Just like performing arts groups in the public schools, the choir will require regular participation in the activity of the choir; however, the choir is not a co-op.
Here are a few ways that parents may participate (or may be expected to participate) in the choir program:
- Rehearsal Monitor - assist with classroom discipline (to ensure that the maximum use of time is achieved at each rehearsal)*
- Performance Assistants - aid the choir in aspects of performing (location planning, performance set-up/tear-down, etc.)
- Special activities planning - if parents and students desire to participate in special events (trips, etc.), help with the planning
- Fund raising - help plan fund raising events to help cover regular costs of the choir, scholarship funds, or for special activities (this activity will be optional and done at the discretion of parents as it supports the program as planned by the group director/s).
*NOTE: To help provide safety and security for all students and adult leaders we will ask that there always be a parent present at all regular or special rehearsals. This will usually not require any specific work, it will mainly just involve being present at the rehearsals (or other events).
We will provide information to parents and a 'sign-up' opportunity 2-3 weeks prior to the start of the first rehearsal.
Parent Information Meeting
We plan to have an information meeting 1-3 weeks prior to the first rehearsal each semester. This meeting is designed for parents (although choir participants are welcome). Information about performance schedules for the semester as well as general Q&A will take place at this meeting. Parents are strongly encouraged to come to these meetings so they know what to expect and what is expected of them and the choir members.