Students will be expected to participate in rehearsal and do at-home work (practicing their parts, paperwork assignments, including one short research project each year). Students are also expected to participate in all performing events.*
Although we do not require students to directly provide a testimony of Christian faith, we do expect them to behave in a manner in keeping with one who is a follower of Jesus Christ. Some of the specifics of these expectations are:
- Modest attire (both girls and guys should refrain from wearing any immodest clothing - specific details to be provided in the choir handbook prior to the start of the year)
- Respect director/s - this includes refraining from excessive distraction during rehearsals
- Respect other students
- Teachable spirit - all students should plan to learn, excessive prideful attitude will be addressed in grades and invitation to return in future semesters
We expect to have approximately 5 performances each semester (for secondary choirs). This number may vary and may increase if opportunities present themself and students are available. Although we expect all students to participate in all performances, we do know that schedules sometimes conflict with other activities. We will take that into consideration when planning the performances as well as when providing end-of-semester participation review. [Missing one performance (or possibly two) will not seriously effect the students final review. However, students who miss excessive performances will have their final review effected and may not be allowed to participate in future semesters/years.]
Performances will be scheduled close to the regular rehearsal times as much as possible.