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Program Info Meeting

Watch this video to learn more about our programs for the 2021-2022 year (approx. 65 min.)
or scroll down for links to details about all our programs.



This group is to help male youth from grades 8-12 learn how to sing parts properly, have confidence when singing, and have fun singing together - and to take that fun of singing into adulthood as men.
Guys in their teens tend to not want to sing in front of girls (esp. when their voices are changing). This is a 'safe space' for guys to sing while their voices are changing and to learn how to have fun singing during that time while they have fun singing 'guy songs'.

This band is for students who have completed at least 2 years of concert band and/or equivalent playing ability.

The place to start for all students with no previous experience playing a band instrument. Students will begin learning the basics about their instruments and how to play them during our pre-fall (August) band kick-off program and then will continue to learn their instruments and how to play in a band together.


This extra-curricular band will focus on learning a set number of 'pep band' songs that will be performed several times during various sport seasons. This band is open to anyone in Symphonic Band and Concert Band (if they are willing to practice extra to be able to play the music). 


This band is for students who have completed 1 year of beginning band or equivalent playing ability.
Students will continue to improve on their own playing ability while also learning to play together as a large ensemble.


This band will focus on learning many styles of jazz and 'popular' music from the 1890s - 2000s. It is open to those who have completed at least 2 years of concert band (or are in symphonic band) or equivalent playing ability.