Objectives and Overview
Proposed Guidelines
Rehearsals: tba (90 min.)
Performances: tba (approx. 3-5 per semester)
Content Standard 1 Singing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music |
Repertoire - Vocal This will involve the rehearsal and performance of 5-10 individual pieces to be introduced throughout the semester and performed near the end of the semester. The music will be representative of different periods of history, with special emphasis of a specific time period, on a 4-year repeating cycle:
NOTE: Material from each of these time periods will be included in EACH semester (as much as possible), with the above 'year rotation' giving extra focus during that year. There will be some (limited) opportunities (for those who desire) to perform solos (within choral works). |
70% |
Content Standard 2 Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music |
Repertoire - Instrumental Although not a major focus of the group, students will be encouraged to experience playing auxiliary instruments which enhance the performance. This will include the opportunity for students to use instruments on which they already have proficiencies (piano, band/orchestra instruments, etc.) |
2% |
Content Standard 3 Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments |
Part Singing Students will learn to sing parts 'by ear'. This will begin through the teaching of standard 2-part and 4-part 'hymn-style' singing. There will also be some ear training exercises included in the regular course schedule. |
10% |
Content Standard 4 Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines |
Composing Students will experience various levels of the composition/arrangement process. The involvement/depth of the project will vary by choirs. |
~0% |
Content Standard 5 Reading and notating music |
Music Reading / Theory Students will be taught basic music reading as is needed to perform the pieces for each semester. This will be primarily taught at the first of each year. |
~0% |
Content Standard 6 Listening to, analyzing, and describing music |
Music Analysis Students will be expected to listen to additional music (recordings or live) outside the rehearsal time and to compare those pieces to the pieces being used during that semester. The outside pieces will be related to the 'focus time period' for that semester/year. Students will be learn how to identify and classify music by time periods and cultures. |
2% |
Content Standard 7 Evaluating music and music performances |
Music Evaluation Students will visit other choral performances and will review the performance for content and skill. Students will also evaluate their own performance (in rehearsals and in performances) to aid in improvement. |
1% |
Content Standard 8 Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts |
Inter-disciplinary Students will perform music created for theatre (i.e. musicals), perform with multi-media, and study visual arts inspired by music (and music inspired by visual arts). Students will also be expected to use other skills (writing, public speaking, research, etc.) to prepare special projects each year which tie the historic focus of that year to other disciplines (history, science, mathematics, etc.) |
1% |
Content Standard 9 Understanding music in relation to history and culture |
History and Culture Students will study vocal (esp. choral) music throughout history (using the 4-year rotation indicated in CS1 above). Specific emphasis will be placed on the study of vocal music in relation to church history. Students will be expected to memorize one song each month from church tradition in relation to the history period in focus for that semester/year. |
13% |
Additional Instructions:
These 'Content Standards' are taken from the National Standards for Music Education as guidelines in what students in the performing arts (music) should be learning.